Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Trent- Severn Waterway & Georgian Bay Summer 2019

Summer 2019  |  Part One:  Cruising the Trent Severn Canal

Trenton to Pt Severn took us 8 days, but we could have made it in 5 or 6 if we kept pushing.  Also we were dealing with shortened lock hours (Mon-Thurs 10:00-3:30).  It was a bit gruelling with all those locks every day.  Would have loved to taken more time to enjoy the scenery, the beautiful locks and explore the little towns but we only had a week of holidays.

Here's the story of our trip...

In May we took a drive  to Cornwall to buy our new boat :-)

Yup, Nice!  We are excited!

In early June, had it trucked to Trenton, where we would take the boat to its new home at the other end of the canal system, Port Severn.

The Trent Port Marina was very, very nice!

Boaters lounge

Modern, pristine shower rooms

Set up and ready to go!

We were a bit concerned and nervous to start out with such high water levels on the lake and maneuvering a new boat.

Below: the water level almost to the top of the gas dock.

Brad and Max the sheltie helped us get set up in the new boat and then returned home in the car.  Now,  we were on our way, through the 44 locks!

Day 1: Fri June 6

As we approached lock #1, we saw that the breakwater was underwater

And we saw lots of pods(?) of turtles huddled together on any dry land they could find.

There would be no-one tying up on the blue line at this lock.  We had to wait about an hour and a half, just hovering until the dock master came back from lock #3 as they were still on shortened hours and staff were working multiple locks each day.

Didn't get too many photos at the actual locks as we were pretty busy holding ropes.  The gardens and old lock masters home at locks 4 and 5 were very pretty - probably the some of the nicest locks on the system, but unfortunately not many photos.

Lock 4

Beautiful lawn at lock 6 - Frankford

Heading to lock #8 ... a really beautiful run

Lock 9 -Meyers

Removing the weeds while waiting on the blue line at lock #9.  Weeds in the props was a problem in every lock.

And great weather!

Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge

Ranney Falls double  Lock  11/12 and suspension bridge on the right

Entering lock 11 way at the bottom of this huge double lock.   The first lock would rise up to the water marks on the cement ( and it was new cement with very little algae slime :-) . The second lock took us to the top of the blue doors - a long way up.

Campbellford - our first overnight mooring.

On Friday June 6, we travelled from Trenton to Campbellford (12 locks- wow only 32 more to go!) We docked at the town dock and had access to power and water.  Grocery store, drug store and Tim Hortons was only a short walk away.


 Leaving Campbellford.          The Kawartha Voyager was docked across from us overnight.

On to Lock 13 Campbellford ..... wow that a lot of rapids coming over the dam
 Lock 13 Campbellford

Healey Falls, Lock 15/16

hmmm, looks like we are in the right place today!


A very turbulent approach to Hastings lock 18.  A very nice lock and cute town.

Then off and through Rice Lake and the Otanobee River and spent the next night in Peterborough.
Ashburnham Lock #20 - A beautiful spot and you can walk into town.

 Ready to get to some more locks.  Will try to make it to Buckhorn, lock 31 today.


Going up the Ashbunham Lock with a liftbridge tour boat.

Next up this morning, the Peterborough  lift lock #21

 The World's Highest Lift Lock

Trent Canal

Made it to Buckhorn, but because of heavy rain, we ended up spending 2 nights here.

DAY 4 (rained out)
Day 5

 Descending in the Kirkfield Lift Lock

Made it from Buckhorn through Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Rosedale and the Kirkfield Liftlock.
spent the night at  Bolsover Lock 37

High dock or low water here??? hmmm.  Lots of repairs to the locks, cement work , and landscaping on this part of the journey and on many of the locks along the way.

Day 6-7 

Made it through to Lake Simcoe and into Port of  Orillia.  Rain was forecast for the next day, so we decided to spend 2 nights in Orillia.  The port and town was pretty much deserted on these rainy days in early June.    Weather was terrible, so no photos ;-)

Day 8

Orillia to Port Severn - a nice run on familiar territory.

Swift Current Lock

Going down the Big Chute Marine Railway

The system was pretty deserted this early in the year.

Beautiful Muskoka Scenery

We fit into the old slip!!!

And even the wildlife was checking out the new boat (thanks Ted for the photo)

Trenton to Pt Severn took us 8 days, but we could have made it in 5 or 6 if we kept pushing.  Also we were dealing with shortened lock hours (Mon-Thurs 10:00-3:30).  We only had a week of holidays, but it was a bit gruelling with all those locks every day.  Would have loved to taken more time to enjoy the scenery, the beautiful locks and explore the little towns.

Summer 2019:  Part Two | Out on the Severn River and  A couple of trips to Georgian Bay

July week to Bone Island

It's so beautiful and peaceful here so we just stayed tied up to the flating dock for most of the week.  We had the dock to ourselves most of the time.  We did get some visits from our boating friends and a diver to look for Donnas phone and ID   :-)

And we sold our old boat .... it served us well!

Our August week of vacation was spent at King Bay

Another visit from friends ....they know we find some good spots

And some photos of us hanging out on Little Lake and Port Severn every weekend in 2019

An evening boat ride over to the Icebreaker for ice cream and get a fantastic sunset

A fun day on the water with our friends Julie and Ed who came down from Cornwall.  They were the previous owners of our "new" boat.

A great day at SUP yoga in Honey Harbour during our family weekend.

It's been a great summer .... It will be a loooong winter.

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